
Modern titanium dental implants have been a game-changer in the dental industry, and are life changers for countless patients. They provide permanent solutions for the loss of one or more teeth, solutions that restore not just complete dental function but also perfect the appearance of your smile.

Are you a good candidate for implants?

Your dentist will carefully review the condition of your jaw, dental x-rays, and your general oral health to determine whether dental implants are an appropriate tooth replacement option for you. Dental imaging is crucial to assess the strength, size, and shape of your jaw, sinuses, and nerves.

While dental implants in Delta are appropriate for most people thanks to advanced technologies and techniques, there are certain circumstances that would make a person a poor candidate. If any of the following describes you, be sure to discuss the circumstances carefully with your dentist. Implants may still be an option with additional preparation, precautions or elements to your treatment plan.

  • People with the suppressed immune systems whether due to disease or due to taking steroids or other drugs

  • People who have not broken bad habits such as clenching, grinding, and gnashing their teeth in your sleep, a condition called sleep bruxism that many people have without even realizing it

  • Patients with uncontrolled diabetes or other chronic conditions

  • Patients experiencing cancer

  • Patients receiving radiation to the jaw, head, or neck area

  • Smoking and alcoholism

  • Advanced and uncontrolled gum disease

  • In general health so poor as to be an inappropriate candidate for dental surgery, generally

In the past, patients with poor bone density and unusually small jaws were not suitable for implants. However, thanks to the development of atrophic maxilla and mini-implants, implants may now be possible even with less than ideal bone density. Options for improving bone density include bone augmentation, sinus lift, and ridge expansion.

It is important to maintain good oral hygiene during the healing process and avoid dental implant failure. Breaking bad habits such as clenching, grinding, and gnashing teeth in your sleep, known as sleep bruxism, is also important for successful implant treatment. Additionally, dental bridges may be an alternative to dental implants for some patients. Finally, bone health is essential to support both artificial and real teeth, and bone grafting may be necessary in some cases of bone loss or gum recession due to damaged teeth or tooth extraction.

How old do you need to be for implants?

Although dental implants are a popular and effective tooth replacement option, not everyone is an ideal candidate for the procedure. Factors such as bone health, health conditions, and risk of infection must be considered. For instance, patients with bone cancer, certain health conditions, or a history of tooth abscess may not be candidates for dental implants.

In cases where there is not enough bone structure to support the implant, a bone graft may be necessary to provide a special bone to fuse with the jawbone. The success rate of dental implant surgery is generally high, but proper care and oral health care are essential for maintaining the implant’s durability and long-lasting solution. Additionally, gum tissue and reduction in bone width may impact the placement of the implant, making mini-implants an ideal option.

Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure that involves placing an artificial tooth root into the jawbone. Over time, the bone grows around the implant, creating a sturdy foundation for the artificial teeth. Dental implants mimic the look and function of natural teeth, providing patients with a durable, long-lasting solution for tooth replacement.

While the procedure has a high success rate, some patients may experience complications such as infection, and proper oral care is necessary to minimize the risk of infection. In cases where there is not enough bone structure to support the implant, a bone graft may be necessary to provide the necessary support for the implant.

It’s also worth noting that dental implants may not be appropriate for children and adolescents due to their developing jaw and bone structure. Waiting until facial development is complete, usually around the ages of 16 for girls and 18 for boys, provides the best chance of a successful implant procedure in the long term. Your dentist will be able to tell you when the appropriate time for implant treatment is in your case.

The implant process

Getting dental implants is a personalized process that depends on each individual’s unique circumstances and needs. The following elements, however, are included in every treatment plan:

  • An assessment by your dentist

  • The placement of a titanium post (or more than one) into the jaw

  • Over roughly six months, the post will bond to your jaw through a process called osseointegration

  • After six weeks to a few months after the post was implanted, an abutment will be attached to your implant. The abutment is the element that attaches to your final restoration.

  • You and your dentist will select the ideal restoration — often a crown — attach to your abutment to replace your missing tooth (or teeth)

To ensure implant success, it is important to maintain excellent dental hygiene and schedule regular visits for dental cleanings and checkups. In some cases, a deep cleaning or bone graft may be necessary to address any health issues or dental conditions that could affect implant success. Dental implants are an excellent tooth replacement option for many people, but it is essential to confirm that you are a good candidate by consulting with a dental clinic in Delta and scheduling an assessment as soon as possible.


Determining Your Suitability for Dental Implants: A Comprehensive Guide

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, providing permanent solutions for tooth loss and restoring both function and aesthetics. But are you a suitable candidate for this life-changing treatment? In this article, we explore the factors that determine candidacy, the dental implant procedure, and options for those who may face challenges in receiving implants.

Evaluating Your Candidacy for Dental Implants

To determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, a dental clinic will need to evaluate various factors, including:

  • General Oral Health: – Your dentist will assess the overall condition of your mouth, including the state of your jaw, gums, and remaining teeth. This information will help them establish if dental implants are the most appropriate option for you.
  • Dental X-rays and Imaging: – These diagnostic tools provide critical information about the strength, size, and shape of your jaw, as well as the shape and location of your sinuses and nerves. This data is essential in determining the optimal placement of dental implants.
  • Medical History and Lifestyle Factors: – Certain medical conditions and lifestyle choices may affect your candidacy for dental implants. These include:
    – Suppressed immune systems
    – Sleep bruxism (teeth clenching, grinding, or gnashing during sleep)
    – Uncontrolled diabetes or other chronic illnesses
    – Cancer and radiation treatments
    – Smoking and alcohol consumption
    – Advanced gum disease

Discuss these factors with your dentist to determine if dental implants are still a viable option for you, or if additional preparation and precautions are necessary.

Age Considerations for Dental Implants

Dental implants are generally not recommended for children and adolescents, as their facial and jaw structures are still developing. It is best to wait until development is complete to ensure long-term success. Typically, facial development is complete by age 16 for girls and age 18 for boys.


The Dental Implant Process

Although the dental implant process varies for each individual, it generally involves the following steps:

1. Dentist Assessment: Your dentist will evaluate your oral health and suitability for dental implants.
2. Titanium Post Placement: One or more titanium posts are implanted into your jaw.
3. Osseointegration: Over a period of approximately six months, the titanium post will bond to your jawbone.
4. Abutment Attachment: After the post has integrated, an abutment is attached to connect your final restoration.
5. Restoration: Your dentist will help you choose an appropriate restoration (usually a crown) to replace your missing tooth or teeth.

Overcoming Challenges for Dental Implant Candidates

Advancements in dental technology have made it possible for people with less-than-ideal bone density or small jaws to receive dental implants. Options such as atrophic maxilla dental implants, bone augmentation, sinus lift, and ridge expansion can help improve bone density and accommodate implants.

New ETIII 3.2 implants can also be used for jaws that were previously considered too small for implants.

Final Thoughts

Dental implants can provide life-changing benefits for many patients. To confirm if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, consult with a dental clinic in your area to arrange an assessment as soon as possible.